Gaining 4 pounds overnight is more normal than it should be….
I’m tired, fatigued, not sleeping well, and I can’t lose any weight…. I can put on 4 pounds from one meal! I hear this daily in my practice and I can honestly say that your’e not crazy! This is a modern day problem and it’s becoming more problematic by the minute.
I’d like to say that there is no easy fix, it takes a bit of investigative work to get to the root of the problem. If I can’t work with you in person then a complete blood panel makes the work a bit easier. No matter what, you can usually get to the root of things with a little patience and some trial and possibly error.
So often a person wants to blame one specific thing for these symptoms and that one thing is usually the thyroid! I wish it was that simple. Often the thyroid does need to be supported while correcting the dysfunction that is actually causing the thyroid to malfunction. Never forget, you have to support the whole as well as the parts.
There is hope!
With love,
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