
July 16, 2019

Thyroids are like Fingerprints

I'm seeing a growing number of clients with subclinical thyroid conditions with normal blood chemistry panels. Unfortunately, blood chemistry panels only reveal overt pathology, not subclinical conditions.…
October 1, 2015

Headaches and Alzheimers

I spent the last weekend in a MedHerb seminar learning about the practical use of herbs in a modern society. It was almost more information than one…
September 28, 2015

Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities or intolerance's are probably one of my greatest hurdles with my clients and maybe the most important to overcome. Consuming foods that you're allergic or…
September 19, 2015

Newly Diagnosed Autoimmune Conditions….

I've seen a large influx of clients with recently diagnosed autoimmune conditions. As many of you are aware, one of the biggest contributors to an autoimmune flare…
June 24, 2015

body shaming

I'm a member of a group on Facebook that's full of single people that embrace a paleo lifestyle. We discuss everything from nutrition, dating, body image and…