Progress Report #2 – 21 Day Purification Program

January 11, 2016

I’m on day 15 of my 21 Day Purification Program. The program consists of 2 – 3 shakes per day and a variety of supplements to support detoxification of liver, gallbladder, kidney’s and intestines, and a plant – based diet. Days 1 – 10 are vegetarian only and days 11-21 you get to add in high quality lean proteins.

I had my first set back on the program over the weekend, but I’m back on track now. I can honestly say that it happened from a sheer lack of being prepared. I was visiting a friend in Sacramento Friday night and we had plans to go out for sushi and salads. The restaurant was more crowded than anticipated, the wait would have been two hours! My girlfriend was starving so we settled on something a little quicker. Trying to eat within my guidelines, I ended up having a single hamburger wrapped in lettuce. This was less than satisfying. The next morning we got up and had amazing veggie purification shakes. I finally left around 12:30, and I didn’t have lunch or another shake. I was starving the 90 minute drive home. When I finally got home I started with only compliant foods then one thing led to another… I was eating things that I wouldn’t normally ever eat!

In hindsight I’m wondering how I could have been so stupid… Yes, I’m calling myself stupid. I know that eating or not eating has very little to do with willpower. We have to eat to support our bodies and when we don’t eat enough, we will always have less than optimal rebound eating. I didn’t eat enough Friday night or Saturday. My body needed nutrients and calories… I can honestly say that I gave it more calories than nutrients though. It would have been so easy to pack some avocados, apples, celery and carrots and then I wouldn’t even be confessing to any of this.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling bloated, foggy and sluggish. It was easy to jump right back onto the program. I was feeling like myself again by mid afternoon. I assumed that I would see a change in my stats considering I added in lean protein last week and my less than optimal weekend. My weight is still maintaining at 116 pounds and my measurements haven’t changed from last Monday.

This is my last week on the purification program and I’m excited to see if there will be any additional changes to report.

Take care and be healthy…



Whole body holistic nutritionist practicing in the Bay area and Eugene, OR. Whole food chef for 16 years.

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